Original Oil Painting by Jennifer Maier
Original Oil Painting by Jennifer Maier
This auction is for a stunning original oil painting by Jennifer Maier on a 30x30 canvas with a 1.5-inch profile (painted edges).
From the artist:
“My sister and I were walking through her neighborhood in Western Oregon in early spring. The neighbor’s yard had such beautiful daisies! The sun was setting, and the daisies turned as if to capture the final rays of sunshine. It seemed both joyful and restful, and I knew I needed to paint them.”
Features: - Medium: Oil painting - Size: 30x30 inches - Profile: 1.5-inch (painted edges)
The estimated fair value of this piece is $100.
Special Thanks to: Jennifer Maier and Chris White for their generous donation in supporting the KCF sponsored students!
Bidding History
$85.00 (Bidder#3512) for this item on Thursday, December 5 at 8:51 AM PST and wrote
$70.00 (Bidder#615) for this item on Thursday, December 5 at 8:30 AM PST and wrote
Unless it hangs at my home.
$55.00 (Bidder#3538) for this item on Monday, December 2 at 11:42 AM PST and wrote
I want this joyful painting in my home.
Over my dead debit card…