
Thank you for visiting this website, which is where Kittelson Charitable Foundation holds its annual online auction.

And thanks for joining us in this annual online auction event. We hope you’ll have as much fun participating as we have had in getting to know the great people and organizations who are donating items and services in support of student education. Every bid you make helps the students too, because every dollar of every winning bid will go directly to financially supporting the education of KCF students. And the dollars you contribute by bidding on the donated items and services go a lot farther than you might imagine:

  • $1 will feed one of our students and his/her family for a day.

  • $5 will pay health insurance costs for one our students for a year.

  • $25 will pay for school supplies for a semester.

  • $200 will pay the room, board, and tuition costs for one student for an entire semester.

  • $750 will pay all the education, housing, food, and clothing costs for a student for a year.

So have fun, bid on items and services that you will enjoy using or giving to others, and remember that every dollar you spend will have a profound effect by permanently and positively changing someone’s life.

When is the auction?

The auction will begin on Black Friday (November 29, 2024) and continue through Sunday, December 8, 2024.

How does it work?

Auctions on individual items will close at different times so there will always be something going on. When you make a bid, you can also leave a comment, perhaps to taunt the competition, ridicule their laughingly low previous bids, or just offer a philosophical point of view (for example, Go ‘Cats!). To keep things even more interesting, the closing time for any auction will be extended as long as the most recent bid is within 5 minutes of either the auction closing time or the previous bid (whichever is later).

We will contact the winner after the auction has closed. Shipping costs will be added to the bidding price for items that need to be mailed, but if you have some time flexibility we’ll look for ways to get items to you at little or no shipping cost. We’ll work the details of this out with the winning bidder.


Can I donate an item to the auction even after it’s started? Sure! Contact us at KCF@kittelson.com (503-535-7404) and we’ll go from there.

For more information, visit our website and/or our donation page in order to learn more about the Kittelson Charitable Foundation and the students it sponsors.

You can also contribute directly to the Foundation, outside of the auction, by going to our Foundation's website. 100% of all proceeds and contributions go directly to the financial sponsorship of Rwandan children who would not be able to attend school without our support.

Thanks for participating in the KCF Online Auction! We hope you have fun!

No Active Auctions At This Time

Recent Bidding Activity


The Auction has Completed!

12/09/24 10:21 AM PST

The 2024 Annual Online Auction has completed with great success – thank you very much to all who participated! The auction raised over $10,000, all of which will go directly to pay school-related costs incurred by our KCF-sponsored students. This is enough to cover the costs of an entire term for the students we sponsor, so it’s a great outcome and thank you again!

Visit our website at http://www.KittelsonCharitableFoundation.org to learn more about the Foundation and its mission, meet the students, make a donation, or email us.

The Annual KCF Online Auction will begin on Black Friday of 2025 (November 27). Mark your calendars now, and in the meantime Merry Christmas and best wishes for a very Prosperous New Year!

Only 3 days left!!

12/06/24 11:05 AM PST

KCF's 2024 Online Auction will be closing on Sunday, so there are only 3 days remaining! Thanks for your participation and comments thus far, and use the weekend to check out the many great items that are still available!

Mushroom Foraging Trip

$100.00 – ended 2 months ago, 0 bids

Win a super secret, one-day guided mushroom tour for lobster and chanterelle mushrooms next October for two. The tour can be completed on the Oregon Co…

KCF Auction - Head to Orlando for Spring Break!

12/05/24 7:56 AM PST

If you're going to be in the Orlando area in mid-March, be sure to check out this special opportunity to attend an NBA basketball game between the Orlando Magic and the Houston Rockets on the evening of March 19th. It will be a great game, of course, but the amenities that go along with it are tremendous - midcourt seats in Row 2, free parking, free dinner, free beverages….a wonderful way to begin, end or add to your Spring Break experience!

Orlando Magic vs Houston Rockets on March 19th (Two Tickets)

$350.00 – ended 2 months ago, 1 bids

Exciting Opportunity: Watch Orlando Magic vs. Houston Rockets

Here's an exciting opportunity to watch two great basketball teams - the Or…

Here's How to 'Taste an Area' in the KCF Online Auction

12/04/24 8:33 AM PST

Indulge yourself in the unique flavors of Oregon City's diverse flora and delight your family at the same time with two pints of pure, raw local honey. Bid now at the KCF Online Auction to savor this delightful blend of clover, blackberry, wildflowers, and fireweed nectar while supporting sustainable beekeeping practices and student education!

Pure, Raw, Local Honey!

$50.00 – ended 2 months ago, 3 bids

Experience the unique taste of the agricultural areas surrounding Oregon City with this pure raw local honey. The nectar this honey is made from doesn'…

For Giving Tuesday, Help an Engineering Student Start Her Career!

12/03/24 7:36 AM PST

Today is Giving Tuesday - an opportunity to have a real impact on a real person, a young engineering student from Tanzania who is about to start her career.

Help an Engineering Student go to a Conference to Present her Paper!

$3,500.00 – ended 2 months ago, 28 bids

Joan Kitundu just graduated in Civil Engineering from the University of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania. With guidance from her professor Jacqueline Masa…

The pledge campaign featured here is well on its way but just needs a few more pledges to meet its goal, which will allow Joan Kitundu to travel to Washington DC in January to present her paper on the capacity of stop-controlled intersections in Tanzania. Attending the conference will help Joan begin building a network of professional connections, and it will also be a strong resume differentiator for her as she begins looking for her first job

Congratulations to Joan Kitundu and thank you for supporting her on Giving Tuesday!

Cyber Monday is Great but an American Girl Doll Might Be Better!

12/02/24 10:58 AM PST

American Girl Doll

$200.00 – ended 2 months ago, 0 bids

Marie-Grace Gardner is an American Girl doll released in 2011 and retired in 2014. She is brand new - still in the original box and been removed. Also …

The activity level is already high on the KCF Auction site and in the spirit of Cyber Monday you should know a new auction item has just been added:

American Girl Doll - Marie-Grace Gardner is an American Girl doll released in 2011 and retired in 2014. She is brand new and comes with a lot of accessory clothes...a great gift for a young person in your family or a great collectible for an adult!

Thanks again for participating and good luck in your auctions!

The 2024 KCF Online Auction is About to Begin!

11/19/24 12:39 PM PST

Welcome to the site of the 2024 Annual KCF online auction!

Auction items will start being displayed at midnight (PST) on Black Friday (November 29th), and new auctions and raffles will be added throughout the auction's duration, which will continue through Sunday December 8th.

In the meantime, check out the pledge challenge that's already here - it's a direct and immediate way to have a huge positive impact on the life of a young student who is already demonstrating her capabilities and determination....Click on "Show Me the Auction Items" and then the title of the Pledge Challenge to learn more!

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